Saturday, July 11

Goldenberg-IV Convocation


The highest convocation grade our section had since first year. As the director of the show, I am not on my high expectations with what others performed during our practices. But I was wrong, my classmates also worked hard to achieve the grade.

There were so many errors we encountered during the show. One major is our 2 laptops. One had no lights. The other is slow-working. I don't know. But besides all of the malfunctions, we were blessed with the grade and the comments of the students and teachers.

NNNN: the most favorite of everybody. It was starred by Nicole Mae Seminio as Krissy,a and Bryan Gonzalez as Bhoy. Everyone enjoyed that part. The skit also, was very good. The audience had fun watching everything on our convocation.

Below are the videos from the NNNN:

Those were the interviews from the NNNN.
Under this are the commercial spoofs played by Amiel Bucayan as Jehomar Bitay and Cris Vienne Dadivas as the kid in the Gulay Me!

Now, below are the errors we all laughed at. This was not shown to the audience. :)

Those videos were only parts of the grade we achieved. We also had a very good stage design, though it was rushed.

And maybe as the last convocation we have in our high school years, I salute everyone on the Goldenberg-IV Batch 2010 for a job well done!

You made it a great convocation!

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