Friday, June 26

No Blogs During Class Days.

After three weeks classes has started, I have been unexposed to write blogs on my site. I miss typing, correcting, analyzing errors and posting blogs.

One major reason: I am a senior now. I carry two times more responsibilities not unlike last year. So far, I am loving my Senior Year. The dilemma is, I am not fond of being called as "Manong", or in other words, an older brother. I still cannot internalize that the best years of my life will end next year, realizing time runs fast.

The purpose I wrote this is because I miss typing in the keyboard what I felt. I remembered doing this thing because I wanted to be a journalist, part-time one. At least in five of ten minutes, I get to tell what I thought, and what I feel.

Don't worry my blog, I will still post blogs. I still have more to prioritize.

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